Monday, October 19, 2009

A Hindu-American Blogger Gets Added to Beliefnet

I am an unapologetic reader of perhaps its a bit unacademic of me...but I like some touchy-feely spun religious stories every once and awhile (what can I say). One part about the site that I do especially like is the blogs. These blogs are usually by faith practitioners commenting on stories in their religious communities (to date, my favorite was the one on keeping Ramadan in America) . I was very excited to see an add on of my own particular interest. The newest blog is Om Sweet Om: A Hindu American Journey by Vineet Chander. My own interests in the South Asian-American diaspora have gotten me excited about this new blog. So far there are some really cool entries about Obama's Diwali message worth checking out. So, I just wanted to give a little shout out to Mr. Chander that i'm logged on and reading, and to direct my own readers (if you do exist! haha) to go ahead and check out the always interesting Beliefnet Blogs.


Idol Chatter and Pontifications (which seams to have been replaced by Deacon's Bench) are also worth checking out....

Friday, October 16, 2009

Today In American Dharma: He Really Is the Theologian in Chief

There are a great many reasons many in America has slipped from their love affair with Mr. Obama (the big ghost in the room is called HEALTH CARE)... but one cannot deny his role as the Theologian in Chief. I documented earlier in the year about how impressed I was with his address to the Muslim world, and the man is at it again. This time in his care and consideration to grant the religions of Hinduism, Jainism, and Sikhism a Happy Diwali. Furthermore, he went so far to invite a Hindu pandit to chant a prayer in the White House and lit a White House diya. Why am I impressed by this? Well, first of all, in a mostly Abrahamic rhetoric that the US has taken in regards to religious themes, its kind of interesting to see an acknowledgement of the thousands of American citizens who are from Asia and practice non-Abrahamic religions. In addition, I don't know about you, but I think this also sort of spreads religious tollerance, and hell, even religious acknowledgement. I didn't know what Diwali was until I went to college. How many people in America are aware that this holiday is celebrated by over a billion people worldwide? From my personal experience...not too many. So, kudos to the Theologian in Cheif for taking a step towards teaching America about the world's religions, if even on the base level. Perhaps you'll earn that Nobel Peace Prize yet!

President Obama's Diwali Message:

The entire celebration complete w/ South Asian a cappella group:

As covered by an Indian news channel:

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Dharma Laughs: Sarah Vowell on the Daily Show

Sarah Vowell thinks there would be fewer car bombs if religious fanatics acted more like Puritan theologian Roger Williams. I found this an amusing interview about the history of religion in America. :) Enjoy!

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Sarah Vowell
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