Friday, January 8, 2010

Today in American Dharma: Fox News Offends the Dharmic Traditions in an Epic One Two Punch

First of all, Happy New Year 2010 everyone! Let's start it off with some good old fashioned American religious-intolerance, shall we?

I try not to show my sometimes liberal socio-political bias (I will acknowledge that sometimes it exists), but I want to put it out there that I am not a fan of Fox News. Not so much because I am anti-republican but rather anti-insensitivity. This week was an epic one two punch for Fox News as they managed to offend two religions of Asia.

The first offensive remark came from Bret Hume while discussing the sex scandals of Tiger Woods:

In this clip Hume remarks that Woods would be better off a Christian than a Buddhist because he needs the kind of redemption only Christianity can offer. Now, far be it from me to blast Hume for his own personal opinion and religious conviction, but it does seem uncalled for that a supposed "objective journalist" make such a statement. Or am I being naïve that objectivity belongs in journalism? I know Fox News doesn't have a good track record and that the idea of the cable news networks is about talking heads with opinions, but honestly, has Hume gone too far? Or is the entire liberal media, and myself, overreacting?

The second clip comes to insult another of Asia's "isms": Hinduism. On his show Glenn Beck, probably one of the most dramatic news anchors I have ever witnessed had this to say about Hinduism's most holy river, the Ganges:

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
The Temple of Hume
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorHealth Care Crisis

And of course... insulting others: Back, Bath and Beyond

So what do you all think? Were all these allowed b/c of freedom of speech or is there somewhere we must draw the line??


  1. I love this entry, so heartfelt and true. Seems to be true of your entire blog, as well.

    I think that yes, freedom of speech is in play here. I would expect that the broadcasters would not tolerate that from their people. Unfortunately, you see this WAY to much out of Fox's "fair and balanced" (NOT!) news and commentaries. I'm sure we'll be able to throw Sarah Palin into this list momentarily.

    I'm following now, and would love to become friends with other likeminded people, like you, who also seem to enjoy blogging.

    My blog is at, just in case you'd like to stop by.

    Missy :)

  2. Thanks for your response Missy. I'd be happy to follow you as well, and welcome aboard the AD train. It runs well, when I remember to oil the wheels. haha. ;)

  3. Re: "runs well, when I remember to oil the wheels."...

    I have that problem, too! LOL

    That's okay, it's still fun to pop in and read or write every once in a while. Good for the soul. :)
